How to Protect Yourself from the Sun If You Work Outside

How to Protect Yourself from the Sun If You Work Outside

How to Protect Yourself from the Sun If You Work Outside

Who doesn’t like sunshine? Summer’s the most awaited season for a reason! Sunny outdoors make you feel peppy, energetic, and brighten your outlook. But that doesn’t mean it’s without its ill effects. 

In fact, excessive time spent in the sun may negatively impact your physical wellbeing and the health of your skin in the long run including early aging, burns, skin cancer, and even suppressed immunity. However, when you work outside, there’s not much you can do to limit your time in the harsh sun! But there’s a lot you can do to protect yourself from ultraviolet (UV) rays when you’re toiling outdoors in broad daylight. 


How do I take care of my skin when I work outside?

For those of you who work long hours in the sun, Rowe Casa Organics offers some simple but effective outdoor skin care tips to help you fortify yourself against the harmful consequences of UV rays. 


Shield with a Sunscreen

This one’s a no-brainer, but surprisingly not many people make use of it on a regular basis. Choose a sunscreen or tinted sunscreen with a high SPF - at least 30. Or even better, use an organic sunscreen for natural, toxin-free protection without side effects. 

Although sunscreen offers great outdoor skin care benefits, it should be used along with other protective measures as it offers protection for a short time. Besides, as you’re prone to sweating in the sun, your sunscreen can wear off easily. So be sure to use sunscreen with a combination of other sun protection remedies discussed below. 


Not All Sunscreens Are Created Equal

Zinc Oxide is the main and safest protective ingredient in sunscreen. Most sunscreens, and even natural sunscreens, will use Zinc Oxide. However, not all use “Non-Nano” Zinc Oxide. Non-Nano translates as “not small” and refers to the fact that the particles found in this ingredient are not so small that they absorb through the skin and into the bloodstream. Instead, the Non-Nano Zinc Oxide sits on top of the skin and protects it from the sun, safely.


Cover Your Arms with a Long-Sleeved Shirt

It may seem counterintuitive but wearing longer clothing when it’s excruciatingly hot outside can help offer protection from the raging sun. Wear a long-sleeved shirt to make it difficult for the sun to reach you … or the majority surface area of your skin!

To keep sweating and discomfort at a minimum, choose thin clothing if you have to. One other way is to carry a thin jacket that you can keep on for the most time but can also take off for short periods at regular intervals if it feels too hot. 


Wear a Hat 

A hat is inevitable when you’re working outside. It’s one of the best outdoor skin care weapons - it will protect your face, eyes, and head from the direct overhead sun. Don’t forget that even your scalp is susceptible to sun burns and damage. A sunscreen can slide off easily but a hat will stay on to protect you unless it gets very windy!


Protect Your Eyes

Wearing sunglasses is another imperative measure that you absolutely must adopt when working outside. While we’re aware of the negative consequences of the sun on our skin, not many of us know that excessive sunlight can harm our eyes too. Choose sunglasses with UVA and UVB protection for maximum safety. Those of you who wear prescription glasses can also opt for UV protection - order new ones if you have to.


Soothe with an After-Sun Balm

At the end of each day, wash your face and treat it to an after-sun balm - a highly effective outdoor skin care treatment - that will soothe your skin and try to relieve it of the damage endured all day. In fact, try to make it a part of your everyday outdoor skin care routine.

And don’t forget to take a break every now and then when working outside - try to get indoors often and splash some cold water on your face - it’s the best way to cool yourself and undo sun damage, albeit temporarily. In addition, to protect your skin in a natural way, Rowe Casa Organics offers organic outdoor remedies without harmful chemicals or toxins. Shop our natural outdoor skin care products!